1.Basic 2 feet jump = Jumps with both feet together.
2.Backwards 2 feet jump = the same as before, but the rope moving backwards.
3.Slalom = Side to side = Jumps with both feet together, from side to side.
4.Front/Back = Jumps with both feet together, front and back.
5.Jumps with feet together, turning the body to one side, to the centre and to the other side.
6.Stationary and entrance = Jump, take the rope on the side, and jump again.
7.Out, In = Jumps, opening and closing your legs.
8.Scissors = Jumps, opening and crossing your legs.
9.Lunge = Scissors forward and backward.
10. Hop = 1 foot at a time = Jumping on one leg.
11.Two and two.
12.Alternating the feet = Jumps by leaning on a different leg each time.
13.Boxer Shuffle = Rope kick.
14.Running in place with the rope.
15.In pairs, one beside the other, each one holding one end of the rope, jump.
16.In pairs, face to face, jump.
17.The same, but one member of the pair has to turn.
18.The same exercise as number 16, but by changing the rope from one to another.
19.Basic cross = Jumping, cross and uncross.
20.Jumping, cross and keep crossed.
21.Double hop.